About andre_gennie

Currently pursuing Journalism. Singing|Photography❤❤❤❤ Interested in Human Rights. Support Rainbows.

When those eyes meet

When you were pink, those tiny eyelashes flickered. The world seemed like a forest and the waving symmetry represented the fluttering wings of a dragonfly. As soon as the sun set, the dragonfly lights itself up and so did you.

You looked up and down; a soft baby.

Time transformed you; from a nymphet to a belle and to a woman.

A woman; muscles within heart; carrying humungous amounts of slivers, attacking it from all the polish. What now was smooth is now rough. But you don’t let it show. Because you know, it’s better to keep those tiny wooden stakes stabbed to your heart, than to breathe out loud and puncture others’.


The moment when you look at me, I shy away

You meet him, her, it; a hermaphrodite; the male Aphrodite. Even though, you carry the earths on your shoulders like Atlas did, you happily receive the mercurial Venus and tend to bear its fruitful love. You fend of Nyx and give birth to Eros; a platonic son.

You’ve heard the tales, all of them. From afar, you can see Hercules nearing you. Although, you let Hercules carry your weights, but this time around, the grand escape is not THE prize, it’s a sorrow.

For a few seconds you let him take your world, you wept. You grab your duty; your right onto your shoulders again, but this time, it feels light. Alas! That thief plucked those golden apples from the orchard. You are weeping.

But you realize, history repeats. You’ll meet an Aphrodite and a Hercules again. You’ll go through the grief again.

Therefore, even if that is for an instant; the moment you look at me, you realize that the apples are bobbing.

And when those eyes meet, you’d realize the demigod is coming.

The Sailor and the Sea Nymphet


Looking outside, I do nothing but repent


One glance, one dreadful glance was enough for the voluptuous beauty. The walls crumbled down; Lord and Satan made love. Alas! The sudden affection couldn’t last long. Her turmoil made it impossible to forget him. In the tussle between the fleeting happiness of the future and the unforgivable past of emptiness, she sat still till she DIED.

MOTIVATION: All of a sudden, I had a few flashbacks as to what transpired these past few weeks, and this aided me in getting in touch with my vulnerable side.



I cannot think of any one person, who wouldn’t like to get out of their home and hand themselves over to the tempting morning dawn. On the other hand, in the summers like that of Delhi, a slight drizzle of rain is more of a cause of excitement than meeting the Wizard of Oz himself. So naturally, I had to get out of my house. The Sun wasn’t going to rise sooner than half an hour, when I put on my shorts and my shoes, and got myself out for a jog.

While I rhythmically moved my legs, the breeze turned into a strong gust of the wind and I was famished for more of that experience. I know that the tornadoes in my mind won’t stop spinning ever, but then the realization came to me quickly that these winds would certainly oppose them and continue to do so, till every atom in my abode cease to exist. With that, I continued running.

So my friend and I have this ritual, where we meet at a particular place and then gossip-cum-jog {but more of that gossip} about all the news which I’m sure, if published in a tabloid, would bring us hefty amount of rupee bills. It would have been a perfect day. I wouldn’t even have to write about this. But then again, it did happen, and I’m glad it did.

We were just arguing whether a Labrador was cuter than a pug, but we were stopped by a strange voice. We turned around and saw this man; he looked like a dad who just put his daughter in college; his voice a little heavy.

We stared at his façade, while he ran his eyes all over us, as if inspecting our anatomy. He turned to my humble friend and jokingly suggested that my motive to behave {the way I naturally do} was to make other people laugh. PERIOD!

Hearing him say so, shocked me, but to a much greater extent, amused me. Due to the realization that I had earlier, I wished to take a spontaneous yet radical step. I decided to challenge his as well as my limits.

I asked him to come a little bit closer and while he paid heed to my demand {I’ll, like to say an order}, revealed to him that I was a transgendered woman {no offense to any community, it wasn’t supposed to be funny, I just wanted to check if he had a good comeback}. At times, I do consider myself as a part of an elite group known as THE SADISTS, and that face, OH! What I wouldn’t give to see that for the rest of my life!

While I waited patiently for his reply, the expressions on the face of both my friend and the man changed. The expression on the man’s face changed drastically. His playful eyes drowned deep in anger with a little bit of confusion. His lips arched back to a straight line {which I’m glad did not show his pearly whites}. Though I wasn’t really concentrating on my peer, I did feel a hedonist taking over my body.

‘You know, you shouldn’t say these things to anybody. Let me talk to your parents. Why? How?’

‘Well, this is who I am and THIS is how it’s done.’

Chuckling, I gave an indication to my friend and we were back continuing to out tabloid talks. The whole time, we were at that place, I did look at him and found him staring directly over me.

Well, this incident, might seem as a concocted plot, but trust me it isn’t.

The reason, why I shared this certain incident is quite simple. We aren’t living in 17th or 18th century and even if we were, why do we have to hide? Is it really valid for them to punish us for being different from the masses and expressing who we actually are? Isn’t it better to be able to embrace self rather than pretending? I know that pretending might seem comforting, but on a long term, it really isn’t what you would want.

In India, whenever transgendered people are talked about, they are considered as an abomination. Even when we talk about pride in the LGBTQIA+ community, the transgendered pride is left out several times.

The last thing we need to understand is that it really is NOT unnatural or weird or any of those terms that would make you feel like an outsider or in any way makes you feel looked down upon.


That is for you to decide, what your bottom line should be, or what message you want to propagate to the world and to your next generations. Like any object in this world, intellects, wisdom, philosophies, they too can be passed down and passed down along a series of generations, thus making them more prone to acceptance. Hence, it really is on your shoulders as to what hash tag you want to popularize in the coming years.